
Friday 13 August 2021



I like getting in trouble.

First thing In the morning I like going on my chromebook and eating while doing a

RP (role playing) on Tiktok, but I would always get in trouble with my mum cuz I wake

up late at night. So my mum told me to get of my chromebook and go back to sleep and when you wake up put the lamp top in my room. I then went

to sleep and woke up at 9:34 and went on my chromebook again and as soon as

my mum came in my room I turned off my chromebook and got out of bed to put

my chromebook in her room but then she saw me and I could not go on it for a day.

The next day I got my chromebook but I thought about staying off of it.`

I will never do it again in my life.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Help the streams

Omaru Stream needs your help!

Omaru stream is crying out for your help. Eels are dying which

means the water is polluted.

The eels have no other place to go to besides the stream

so weak you to be kaitiakis( guardians) of the stream 

How can you help?

  • Get rid of your rubbish in a responsible way

  •  Make sure poisonous chemicals don’t end up in streams.

  • Spread the good word to your family to do the right thing

  • Streams are living places, let's keep them alive.

Saturday 29 May 2021

School project

           School project/class project

On friday it was the day that we had to show our project in the hall but some people had to display their project like me and Tutei. Our project was an object that people used in the olden days,and it's called a  pulley. How do you use the pulley?You pull the rope and the object that's on the other side goes up,or if you let the rope go the object goes down,that's how you use a pulley. When my class came up and went to look around I felt the nerves on my back. When one of room 11 kids came to me and Tutei, I was about to explain but Tutei started to explain. When room 11 went, the people in the class that left (room 11) went to look at the other project. Lastly, the people that explained their project went back to class and had lunch.

In the hall the one thing that I liked was Ilaise and Houston’s project, Their project was called a leaver. In the future I bet the leaver will help me in life.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Why smoking is bad for you

 Kia Orana, Malo Lelei. Greetings my name is Izabelle, and I’m going to convince you to stop smoking. Smoking is bad for you since it damages your lungs, heart and your eyesight.  Did you know 1,300 people die every day from smoking?

Smoking also makes your breath and hair and clothes smell yucky, now I’m going to tell you the five reasons. 

1. Smoking has chemicals in it and could hurt your  lungs.heart eyes, liver, skin and many other parts of your body.

2. You could die from smoking and you might not know what has made you die.

3.  Smoking has nicotine and could cause cancer or worse. 

4.Did you know that it takes a very long time for nicotine to get out of your bloodstream.

5.Nictine is like a drug, it is very addictive and it is very hard to stop smoking.

Hopefully before i become an adult the government stops the shops selling cigarettes. So I hope that I convince you to stop smoking.

Thursday 5 November 2020

What if you had a Coggin as a pet/ The Duffy show

 On Nov the 3, there was the funniest and the coolest show ever that came to meet us Glen Innes students. On the 2nd break, there was a Duffy show and there were two girls named Bex, Lex, and one boy named Duffy. First, when all the kids entered the big long hall we all saw Duffy, Lex, and Bex standing so still like they were stone statues. When the Duffy show began, everybody seemed so excited and interested in what they were going to experience.

Next Bex was acting as Lex's daughter and, Lex was acting like a mum. There was 3 mixed animal, the 3 mix animals were a dog, cat, and a chicken. Duffy was acting as Aaron the farmer that makes Coggins and acting as Bex's friend. After that Bex's mum watched the video of Aaron the farmer after the mum watched the video she bought a Coggin. When the Coggin came Bex's went and got the box that the Coggin was in, she opened up the box and she first saw chicken arms, then she saw a cat head lastly, she saw a dog tail.

 When the Coggin came out of the box Bex named her Milly. When Milly was out of the hardwood box she went to the living room and took a poo on the chair. Bex got so mad she said "I'm going to seed you back where you came from" Milly was sad, crying and shocked at what Bex said, Bex was also shocked at what she said to Milly, Milly went missing after that, Bex said to Duffy that I said the wore thing. So Duffy and Bex went to find Milly when they were in a strange place.

Bex and Duffy were to tire so they went home. Lex the mum was shocked that Bex and Duffy were late. It was almost dark and they were not at home when they were at home the mum said "where were you and did you find Milly" they both said " yes and no" so the mum said "ok Bex go get any one of your books about Coggin plz" Bex said "ok" she went and got the book gave it to Lex. When Bex gave the book to Lex she said "we have to sing this song to get Milly back" they said, "yes we just what Milly". After that, they said, "can all the students sing with as" all of us Glen Innes student said "YES". Finally, we sang the song and Milly came back.